Doulas and Dads

We have come a long way away from dads waiting in a room separate from their partner jujt waiting to enjoy that cigar.  Many dads today are much more involved during the birthing process.  Some fathers have questioned whether a doula is necessary and if their presence would take away from his role.  A doula will not only enhance his experience but will support him to be more involved and available during the birth.  DONA recognizes this as well and you can read their position of Doulas and dads hereThere are also many blog posts out there from families who hired doulas

Below are some actual testimonials from dads who have experienced birth with our doulas:

"My husband was skeptical at first, he didn't understand what a doula had to offer and why we would need one. After our first meeting, his questions were answered, fears eased and he was thrilled to have her on our team."

 "My wife and I wanted to ensure that the birth of our first child was as natural a process as possible. The more we researched the birth process the more concerned we became, and felt we might need some help to accomplish our goal.  Right away when we met with our doula, she helped put my wife and I at ease; it was like we had known her forever. We had hoped to labor at home  as long as possible, but due to a trouble stress test (one week overdue) all of the laboring had to be done at the hospital. As soon as our doula walked into our room at the hospital she set about creating a relaxing atmosphere. She once again calmed our nerves and helped walk us through what to expect. Throughout the 19 hour labor, our doula was inexhaustible and did everything possible to ease the back labor pain that my wife was enduring. We are happy to say that Kristy made it through the entire labor and birth without any pain medication whatsoever. Without the help of our doula’s calming demeanor and expert hands this may not have been possible. She was a tremendous asset and worth every penny and then some. As the father I never once felt that she was taking my place, and in fact she helped guide me and allowed me to be more involved and helpful than I would have been otherwise."

"My husband and mom were there for me, but they weren't sure they could address my needs. I can honestly say that my doula made my wish come true. She helped me to handle each contraction, gave me moral support, gave my husband and mom ways to help me, and made me believe I had the inner strength to give birth to my children naturally.  Almost immediately after our son’s birth, my husband and I both agreed that having a doula present for our labor and delivery was one of the best decisions we could have made
She was a life-saver for my husband as well.  Brian was so thankful to have someone there to be with me and allow him to get a little rest and then to guide him in some ways he could help me."

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