Placenta Services

Women deserve the best experience even after they give birth.  During her pregnancy, an amazing organ grows along with the baby in the uterus.  The placenta is full of nutrition and is a testament to the health of the pregnancy and beyond because it can be ingested to improve the postpartum period. 
 Placentophagy (consuming ones placenta) is a practice that has been around for ages. 
 There is anecdotal evidence supporting this practice, showing that it improves mood decreasing risk for postpartum depression (40%), increases energy (26%), improves lactation (15%) and also speeds healing after birth (7%). 

The placenta can be encapsulated, made into a tincture or prepared freshly.  The process entirely takes place in the privacy of the mother's home during 2 visits.  I believe the placenta should never leave the presence of the mother who can be as involved or detached from the process as she wishes.  The umbilical cord is also preserved into a life-long keepsake.
$175 for encapsulated placenta (2 visits)
$100 for tincture or fresh preparation (1 visit)
$200 for both encapsulated and tincture or fresh prep
* 1/2 off for my doula clients
*$25 discount for home birth families

The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA. The services offered by Earthside Birth Services are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Families who choose to utilize the services on this page take full responsibility of their own health and for researching and using the remedies and ingest their capsules on their own schedule.   

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time i read such type of blogs,Its really useful for the users.Keep updated This type of blogs provide information to the users placenta encapsulation services
