Wholistic Parenting

My friend and partner doula Amy sporting a cool summer carrier!

Baby Wearing
There are many ideas about baby wearing.  I really like this website for information
on carriers and safety. There are right and wrong ways to carry your baby and also are many varieties of carriers  There is also an amazing community of baby wearing families on Facebook you can reach out to. On this site you can post questions and also find wraps and slings for sale.

Breast Feeding
Central WI doula Devlin freely nursing baby Harbor

I strongly support a mother's decision to choose how to feed her baby but promote breastfeeding for the numerous health benefits for mom and baby and the bonding it creates.  Did you know that breastfeeding reduces the rate of SIDS and can save you an estimated $1200-$1500?   Establishing breastfeeding quickly and correctly after your birth is extremely important.  Breastfeeding can come "naturally" but can also be challenging with many difficulties and it is important to prepare for them and see them coming.  Surround yourself with support.  Midwives are trained in assisting to establish breastfeeding and so are nurses in hospitals and birthing centers.  Ask if there is a lactation consultant where you are birthing and seek out a breastfeeding class.  Dr. Sears has a great website where you can learn about all things baby, check out this page with great detailed information about breastfeeding.
Look at this master latch!
La Leche League also has a wonderful site with FAQ's and guidance.
Cloth Diapering
Nicki's Diapers is a Wisconsin based cloth diapering and baby supply company
There is a good forum called diaper swappers, they have forums on cloth diapering, natural parenting and also areas where you can buy and sell.  Here is a great series of videos to help you learn more.

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