Birth Preparation

There are many factors that can determine the course of your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience and you are in control of most of them! 

I am not a nutritionist but I do know the power of eating the rainbow every day.  Find fresh, local produce and fill your plate with mostly vegetables and protein.  Choose organic products and avoid boxes, cans and bags.  Ask your care provider about prenatal supplements and other dietary factors especially if you have a restricted diet.  Your baby eats what you eat and you can keep your body and baby healthy by being selective about what you feed both.  Folic acid is a very important supplement found in most prenatal vitamins and there is some research that women with the MTFHR genetic mutation should be taking folate instead-please discuss this with your care provider.

These are the three principles of Spinning Babies and I can't stress their importance enough!  Please spend some important time within their website to learn more and begin moving your body to help enhance your baby’s starting position for labor - this is a priceless gift you can start doing right now for you and your baby! 
Something you should consider learning is belly mapping.  Spinning Babies teaches you this and there is also a workbook to help you learn the position of your baby in utero which is very helpful when you are working toward a smooth, vaginal birth. 

I like to think of the birthing experience like a marathon.  You wouldn't just suddenly decide you want to run 26.2 hours without extensive preparation of your body and mind for months ahead of time would you?  The same pertains to labor.  Move your body.  Feed your body and your experience will be better! 
One book I always recommend to women planning a pregnancy or preparing for birth is Active Birth by Balaskas.  (both the  Belly Mapping workbook and Active Birth can be purchased in our shop) 

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