Monday, April 10, 2017

What It Is All About

First of all, congratulations!  You are well on your way to creating the ultimate birth experience for yourself, your baby and family.  Giving birth is an amazing experience that can transform you and your family.  There are so many options to consider and so much information to gather.  Inviting a doula with you on this journey is a huge step in the right direction to ensure you are feeling empowered throughout the pregnancy, birth and after the baby is in your arms.  In addition to medical care provided by your midwife or OB, you deserve and require consistent, continuous reassurance, comfort, encouragement and respect.
Doulas are educated and experienced in childbirth, the postpartum period and are prepared to provide physical, emotional and informational support to growing families.
This is what is all about.  An empowered birth where every decision was theirs to make.  Welcome Myles!  Whether you birth at home or in the hospital, I strive to be a collaborative part of whichever team you choose.  

There is significant scientific evidence demonstrating the many benefits of having a doula attended birth:

* The presence of a doula can shorten labor and decrease complications.
* A doula assisted birth promotes a positive, satisfying birth experience.
* Births attended by doulas result in less use of pitocin, forceps and vacuums, reduced requests for pain medication and epidurals.  
Mothers experience less postpartum depression.
Babies have a more favorable 5 minute Apgar score, shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries and they breastfeed more easily.

Doula Birth Package
$600-$700 sliding scale with flexible payments available
Includes:  free initial consultation to meet me and see if we are a good fit
*1-2 prenatal meetings in your home prior to your birth or with you to prenatal visits with your care provider whether that is an OB or a midwife
*Birth plan creation (dream big and prepare for the unexpected)
*24/7 on-call availability beginning 2 weeks prior to your estimated due date through 2 weeks after your birth (for a total of up to 6 weeks)
*24/7 back-up doula
*continuous labor support in your home or hospital until your baby is in your arms 
*initial breastfeeding instruction  
*birth and newborn photography in your birth setting
*massage therapy during your birth experience
*Rebozo techniques, relaxation methods, positioning and movement guidance
A la carte options available, please contact me for pricing.